A Big Rewarding Life

People with low confidence are double-minded, indecisive people who constantly get frustrated with life. If they do make a decision, they are tormented by self-doubt. 


They second-guess themselves. As a result, they don't live boldly. They live little, narrow lives, and they miss out on the big, rewarding lives God wants them to enjoy.

You may be aware of some of God's promises for His people — promises for peace, happiness, blessings, and so on. But did you know that all of God's promises are for every person?

That's right — when it comes to fulfilling promises, God does not discriminate. However, God requires us to approach Him in faith—the deeply held confidence that God is trustworthy and will always make good on His promises. God loves you; He wants you to relax in the knowledge of that love. God wants you to experience the peace of mind that comes from resting in His love and living without the torment of fear and doubt.

Trust God’s timing and diligently take each step He guides you to take. You will see your God-ordained dreams come to pass if you don’t give up.

From: The Confident Woman - by Joyce Meyer

You CAN read the Bible through in a year. Start today!

Mon: Acts 3:11-5:42, Luke 6:37-49, Psalm 109:16-31, Prov 15:23-26
Tues: Acts 6-7, Luke 7:1-10, Psalm 118:1-9, Proverb 155:27-30
Wed: Acts 8-9, Luke 7:11-23, Psalm 118:10-18, Proverb15:31-32
Thurs: Acts 10-11, Luke 7:24-35, Psalm 118:19-29, Proverb 15:3
Fri: Acts 12-13, Luke 7:36-50, Psalm 123, Proverb 16:1
Sat: Acts 14-15, Luke 8:1-15, Psalm 133, Proverb 16:2
Sun: 1 Samuel 21:1-6, Hosea 6:4-6, Matthew 12:1-14

Only it must be in faith that he asks with no wavering (no hesitating, no doubting). For the one who wavers is like the billowing surge out at sea that is blown hither and thither and tossed by the wind.

James 1:6

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